Happy Father’s Day to Fathers-In-Waiting…

Chances are you will be celebrating Father’s Day yourself in a short time from now. Your job has already begun. Are you surprised?

There have been many surveys done where men have been asked to rank their heroes in life. Often, the top vote-getter is dear old dad.

What does this mean to you as a dad-to-be?

Simply that the role you are about to fill is one of the most important roles you will ever have. It starts now, before you even know who that child will be.

Your future daughter will look to you as a needed role model to help her in choosing the right boys to date and the type of man she will marry. Your future son will imitate your actions as a man, watching your every move and response for guidance to help mold him into the husband and father he will become.

Clarence Budington Kelland was quoted as saying “My father didn’t tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it.”  What will your children observe from you?

Are you feeling overwhelmed yet? I hope not. Truly, it is a huge responsibility but remembering that God is on your side to inspire you and guide you, as you become the father and husband He wants you to be.

Father’s Day is a good time to think and pray about your strengths along with areas of improvements you may have. The Lord will soon guide you to your children who will carry on your name and look to you for guidance as they trust their little lives in your big hands. You will become an instrument God uses in your their lives.

You can become the best father and role model by making God your teacher, the ruler on whose authority everything you do is based. As a father, one of your first responsibilities will be to acquaint your children with Scripture and love and kindness for their mother.

“Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6

Will you start today to become the hero they are looking for? The habits you are developing today will become the qualities in building that hero in their lives. Never give up and never forget the important role you will soon be playing for a lifetime in your child’s life. When in doubt, turn to Him for direction. My prayer for you, dear fathers of these blessed children, is one of strength, faith, and steadfastness in your journey to become Godly fathers.

God bless you and know that wherever you are today, we are praying for you and your adoption as fathers-in-waiting.


Five Steps to Successful Christian Adoption

If you feel you’ve been Called To Adoption, the next step is preparation.  First and foremost, you’ll want to educate yourself.  Learn about domestic adoption vs. international adoption, as well as the different types of adoptions including: closed adoption, open adoption, and semi-open adoption.  You’ll not only want to explore your options, but also begin to emotionally and spiritually understand varying adoption situations.  Once you can relate with birth mothers and other families who have adopted, you may better understand how fulfilling adoption can be…allowing you to expand your family and open your heart.

Below are a few quick steps to help you succeed in your Christian adoption:

  1. Determine the type of adoption that is best for you, including the age range and racial background of the child you want to parent
  2. Find the qualified adoption professional who will help you build your family
  3. Complete the required paperwork, profile and other requirements to become qualified to adopt
  4. Prayerfully wait for the child God has for you, using this time of waiting to prepare for parenting
  5. Joyfully say “Yes!” when you are blessed with the opportunity to adopt a child.

To help you fully prepare and educate yourself about the process of adoption, read Called to Adoption – A Christian’s Guide to Answering the Call, and for more quick adoption guidelines, check out 11 steps to realizing your adoption goals.