Your Adoption Journey – Invite God to Be Your Travel Mate
Even so it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish.
No matter where you are in your adoption journey, it is never too late to include God in your plans to bring home a baby. Even though in Mathew 18:14 Jesus is referring to the sheep that go astray, there is a remarkable message for those contemplating adoption. God does not want anyone to miss out on His free gift of salvation. Many couples question themselves on whether it is really God’s will for them to adopt. This is more so the case when they run into some problem or difficult situation in the adoption process. When things turn rough, it is human nature to doubt if we made the right decision.
God makes it very clear in the Bible that He cares for the orphans and little children. The Word of God also tells us that it is possible for us to know His will. It is God’s will that everyone should be saved (2 Pet 3:9), that we should enjoy everlasting life (John 6:39, 40), that we should be thankful (1 Thess. 5:18), and that we should be blessed through Him (1 Thess. 4:3).
Adoption can be a trying and testing process. You have to make decisions from your heart and your head. You may forget to complete an important paperwork or the birth mother may suddenly change her mind! There are many challenging situations that can crop up. Choose an adoption professional you can connect with and share a good rapport. Better yet, ask God to send you the right person to work with so that the adoption process will progress smoothly. Invite God to be a part of your adoption plans and He will help you find the child He has chosen for you.
The New King James Version., Mt 18:14 (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1982).